Britt Reuter, MS: Hi to everyone who is joining us! This is another interview in my Women in Wellness series. These are candid conversation I’m having with female professionals who have a heart to serve others. I use this time to talk a little bit about what it is that they do, who they support, and what resources they may have available for you to explore.
I’m Britt Reuter and I’ve earned a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport. I’m also a Certified Nutrition Specialist Candidate, and my approach to supporting clients is informed by Functional Medicine. I run an online virtual clinic from my home in the Boston area. If you want to learn more about me and what I do, you can visit my website or find me on facebook or instagram @nutritionbritt.
Today my guest is my friend and – funnily enough – former primary care provider Tara Woodland. Tara is a Family Nurse Practitioner who put her career on hold in 2013 to stay home and raise her son. She had come to realize that she needed more. That’s why she decided to align herself with Beautycounter whose mission is, “One by one, we are leading a movement to a future where all beauty is clean beauty. We are powered by people, and our collective mission is to get safer products into the hands of everyone. Formulate, advocate, and educate—that’s our motto for creating products that truly perform while holding ourselves to unparalleled standards of safety. Why? It’s really this simple: beauty should be good for you.” For Tara, her decision to align herself with Beautycounter was because she saw it as so much more than just selling; it is way to help educate people on how to be healthier in not only personal care products, but all areas of life.
Welcome Tara! Thanks so much for being here.
Tara Woodland: Wow! Thanks for having me. I’m really excited.
Britt Reuter, MS: Yeah, I’m so excited too. So let’s get started by having you tell us a little bit more about who you are, what you do, and maybe share some extra insight into the journey that led you to where you are today.
Tell us a little bit more about who you are, what you do, and maybe share some extra insight into the journey that led you to where you are today.
Tara Woodland: Yeah. So, as you already mentioned, I was a family nurse practitioner from about 2009 to 2013. Through that time, which I’m telling this because this is kind of insipidus of kind of what led me into more of this kind of natural, holistic living. My husband was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and Western medicine went through the gamut of tests and nothing was found, which is hence the diagnosis of IBS and was put on a medication called Amitriptyline, which has a whole host of side effects and really just a band-aid for a problem that you know, just is not the best.
So, we’ve always been the type of people that are like, “What can we do to help ourselves?” And so he went through this whole journey of kind of learning more about gut issues. Then this was back in, like I said, about 2009. So, at that time, well, 2010 about that time, like Functional Medicine wasn’t heard of. Like it just, it was kind of a different, different time frame. And so, we fell into Paleo which again at that time really hadn’t, was, no one had hardly heard of it. There was just a couple of books, maybe a couple of cookbooks out there. No bloggers really existed. And so we started down that journey and basically he healed his issues by himself through our diet. And so that really kind of sparked my interest in kind of healthier living. So as I was practicing, even though I was Western medicine trained, I really tried to help my patients with through healthier living options. So, if someone came in with a problem, I wouldn’t just throw medication at them from the beginning. Like I would try to do things through diet and different, different arenas. And so, I was really kind of self-taught at that point. That started that journey. And when my son was born in 2013, I realized quickly through maternity leave I couldn’t be, I couldn’t go back to work. I had to stay home, wanting to just stay home and raise him, but then also quickly realized that I was not a good stay at home mom. I needed something more for myself. And so, I first started, my husband and I own a CrossFit gym. We’ve owned it for almost six years now. Actually, six years. Yesterday was our first official day in the gym six years ago. So, I started coaching one of the classes I obtained my certification prior to leaving my job.
But so, I started coaching one of the classes just to fill in a void of, of my identity. And then when he was eight months old one of my good friends that I’d met through CrossFit had come to me and said, “Hey, have you heard about Beautycounter?” And I hadn’t. It was only about a year-old company, a year old at that time. I really didn’t care about the product. I’m not a product junkie. I didn’t really care about makeup or skincare. But I loved everything in terms of the health and education piece of it. And so that’s what kind of sparked that interest. And honestly, it took me a while to kind of get rolling because I didn’t want to be the icky person selling makeup. But I saw something more. And as you said about our mission, it’s so much more than just selling. It’s the educations, the advocacy. And so that kind of catapulted me, building off of what I already did in new terms of healthier living. That and helped me kind of spur into more education for myself and self-learning to really help people.
Because as similarly to you, like I do believe it all matters. Like I believe what we’re putting on our skin, what we’re putting in our mouths, what’s in our environment, it does impact our health greatly. We’re in control of a lot of things. So, I want to help people take that power and be their own advocates.
Britt Reuter, MS: Huh, wow, that’s really powerful. Well, I feel like as someone who has followed you the past couple of years on social media, you can really tell the personal conviction that you have and, you know, just your conviction. This is real life to you. This is how you live your life and you know, really comes through in the way that you communicate that message.
Tara Woodland: Yeah, I mean, I do. I think it’s who I am, that’s what I do. I believe it, embrace and it’s my life in all aspects. And I think that’s really what I want people to understand is that, you know, this isn’t about – as cliché as it is – it’s not about perfection. It’s about doing better every single day and really wanting to, and not beating yourself up for the choices you made, you know, two years ago, five years ago. It’s always wanting to do better than yesterday. Because as similarly to you, like I do believe it all matters. Like I believe what we’re putting on our skin, what we’re putting in our mouths, what’s in our environment, it does impact our health greatly. We’re in control of a lot of things. So, I want to help people take that power and be their own advocates.
Britt Reuter, MS: Yeah. Take that power. I love it. That’s awesome. So, what does the day in the life of Tara look like as far as your health routine goes?
What does the day in the life of Tara look like as far as your health routine goes?
Tara Woodland: I’ll kind of build on this statement, I’m kind of a lazy person in the sense I’m very simple. Some things I’m very good at being very routine in terms of like washing my face every night before bed. I never miss, I never missed that ever, ever, ever. But then there’s other things in terms of my routine of, you know, kind of the healthier living that sometimes now that I have two kids, like they’re my focus. They’re my emphasis. So you better believe they get all their supplements and vitamins every single day. And then sometimes I’m like, “AH, shoot, I’ve been forgetting to take this one.” So, every day I like, I’ll brush my teeth, that never gets missed. But then, you know, my mornings will sometimes be like sometimes a Bulletproof coffee with, you know, grass fed butter and collagen. And sometimes it’s just black coffee cause I’m lazy and I don’t want to, like. But yeah, I mean, you know, we start with, you know, a good kind of healthy breakfast. We tried some, the intermittent fasting for a while, which was a great kinda thing to play around with. But I quickly realized, again with two kids and one kid being home with me, I wasn’t eating enough. I was like, “Oh shoot, it’s one o’clock and I forgot to eat, you know, I haven’t eaten lunch yet.” So, it was just like I wasn’t eating enough. But yeah, so it’s a lot of my morning, it’s very basic. It’s just kind of the eating and then the lunch and then you know, the dinner. But then at nighttime the supplements kind of come in and those get interspersed in terms of like, you know, are we coming down with a cold, then I’ll boost things up a little bit. Or is it winter or what, you know, what we’re kind of dealing with as a family. But really, yeah, it’s kind of a basic kind of survival mode some days. Overall, like a wellness focus lifestyle. But the way it manifests every day, it could be like drastically different. I mean like we hit the basics. Like every day we get our vitamin, we get vitamin D or magnesium, you know. Elijah will get his probiotics. Sometimes L-glutamine, you know, we’ll get like the basic things every day as a family. Um, but yeah, like it, some days I’m like, “Oops, we forgot to do the fermented cod liver oil or we forgot to do the minerals or whatever.” It just kind of depends. I’m not super obsessed with things you know, and I try to keep it very simple cause that just is what works for us.
Britt Reuter, MS: Yeah and wouldn’t that kind of like negate some of the benefits if you made healthy living to be stressful or something rigid? Maybe depleting your body of all those vitamins that you’re taking because now you’re driving yourself into chronic stress.
Tara Woodland: I think that’s, I mean, and that is something we might get to in a little bit, just basically, but I mean, I think that’s a lot of people’s battle. You know, it’s like, where do I start? How do I start this? It’s overwhelming and financially it’s overwhelming for people. And so it’s like, yeah, how, you know, where, where do you want to go? So I try to be the person that is relatable in a sense that, you know, this isn’t about the perfection. As I said, it’s really just about doing the best you can and not beating yourself up.
I mean, I still got Ziploc baggies in my cupboard because I have all my re-zips and I have all my stasher bags. But man, sometimes you need a good old plastic Ziploc bag. You know, to throw some marbles in or something. So it’s like I get it like you do, you do the best you can. And I always say to people, I’m someone that I want to give people information and they get to do with it as they wish, but I never want someone to come back to me in five years and say, Oh man, if only someone would have told me that x, y, or z wasn’t my best option, I would’ve changed it versus, well, someone told me x, y, or z isn’t my best option, but I’m choosing to do it anyways because this is what fits in my life and is part of where I’m at right now. That’s what, that’s what I really want for people.
Britt Reuter, MS: Yeah. More information is better. I’m definitely an advocate of that. More better information too. Much more, much better information. It’s my new tagline.
Tara Woodland: That’s like, Lucas has this shirt from Tango Charlie, which it’s not like your best, you know, they’re funny. Um, but there’s some inappropriate things.
Britt Reuter, MS: Well, we’ll try not to associate that permanently with your brand.
Tara Woodland: Do better than yesterday, or gooder than yesterday.
Britt Reuter, MS: That’s perfect. Yeah, that’s great perspective to keep. I know you and your husband, you’re big, healthy foodies. So, I’ve got to know what is one thing in your pantry or your fridge that you can’t live without? And then since you’re big on personal care products, can you also tell us what your must have products are in your makeup bag?
What is one thing in your pantry or your fridge that you can’t live without?
Tara Woodland: So, pantry. Man, that one’s a tough one. I think collagen will probably come up. It’s so cliché and it’s probably, if anyone knows me and watches this, they’re like, “Yeah, I called that one.” Like they could have told her she’d say that.
Britt Reuter, MS: I was going to say she doesn’t say collagen I’m going to tell her.
Tara Woodland: Yeah, so Lucas for a long time would roll his eyes cause I’m like, “Oh, I’m making these muffins and we’re going to throw a couple scoops of collagen. And you know, making the soup and I’m just going to throw a scoop of collagen in almost everything.”
I’m of the mindset of like, well first I’ll say I definitely eat things that have no nutritional value and they’re just pure joy. Um, like sometimes I just want a gluten-filled bagel that has low, like it just is what it is. It’s going to make my blood sugar spike and then come crashing down. And I’m going to feel horrible. But it was so good to eat. But for the most part, like what we do eat is, are things that have nutritional value. So if they don’t come with it like a, like a baking mix or something, I’m going to add things like Chia seeds or flax seed, flax meal or you know, or collagen or whatever else I can sneak into there to give it a little oomph because it’s just what I do.
And then in terms of personal care products, again I will fall back on that whole, I’m lazy and a very simple girl. So, like a cleanser and then that rotates through depending on kind of my mood because I have everything at my grasp for products. I kind of play around with things and depending on what I want to try. Um, and I am not a good lotion person, so I love like Counter Match Serum. I love the basicness of that and the good eye cream and like the Counter Match Eye Creams, and the Overnight Resurfacing Peel. Those are my go to’s. And then I’m a simple makeup girl. Like I don’t even wear a foundation. I throw some mascara, eyebrow blush, concealer and that’s pretty much it.
Britt Reuter, MS: Yeah, that’s awesome. You have such a streamline routine, just in and out.
Tara Woodland: Oh, and dry shampoo. That’s it. I think I’m down to washing my hair twice a week these days because it’s just, I don’t want to spend time doing it.
Britt Reuter, MS: I know I think about that sometimes my husband doesn’t understand cause obviously you know, maybe guys shower experience is totally different than girls. But like sometimes I’m like I just don’t have it in me to get in the shower. I would feel like I have to shave and then I have to dry my hair when I get out and then I got, you know, and it’s just like I don’t want to do it. So yeah, totally about that dry shampoo.
Tara Woodland: Yeah. I mean it’s not, that’s not so much the showering as the after a fact. One day I was showering, I usually shower at night. Woke up in the morning, my hair was dry and I, it was like a Sunday. We weren’t going anywhere at all. We were staying home day and I was curling my hair and Lucas is like, “What are you doing?” And I was like, “No, you don’t understand.” I’m like, “I’m going to spend 10 minutes, 15 minutes max curling my hair right now. But then I don’t have to wash it for three more days.” Being curled like it does better. I’m playing the long game here. He’s like, “I don’t understand you women.”
Britt Reuter, MS: Get out of the bathroom. Yeah. Right. Yeah. There’s a, there’s a big gap there, that’s for sure. Let’s say that someone is watching this who is maybe feeling like a little bit overwhelmed about making safer product choices. It’s something that they’ve heard that they should do and they want to do it. But they’re just unclear about where it should start. Where do you think that someone like that should start? What’s the first step?
Let’s say that someone is watching this who is maybe feeling like a little bit overwhelmed about making safer product choices. What’s the first step?
Tara Woodland: Yeah. This is backtracking a little bit, I remember, gosh, this was probably three months ago now, maybe a little longer. My time kind of gets away from me. My Instagram stories, and this was spurred by someone that followed me and we’ve interacted sharing a product or talking about something in our stories that was blatantly not safe. Um, and it really got me thinking it’s happened before. It wasn’t just the first time, it wasn’t, it’s definitely not the last time. It happens often-ish. And I was just thinking, “Why do people do this? Like they know, I know they listen to me, I know they see my stuff. I know that they hear what I say, but why are they choosing to still use, you know, this product or these things.” And so, I asked in my stories. I was like, “You know, this is me coming from a place that I really just want to understand. This isn’t me being judgmental. I want to help understand why these choices are still being made even though you know, different things.” So, I asked this and many people were like money, just not understanding why it matters. Um, and there were other host of issues, but the, the kind of just not knowing where to start question was kind of a big one.
And just not, you know, not knowing what to choose. And so, one of the things I always tell people, I obviously represent Beautycounter and I’m a part of that company and advocate for, you know, their products and love what we have. Do I think it’s the end all be all of safer beauty? Absolutely not. There’re some really great products out there and companies that do a really great job as well. But what I will say in terms of what we do is they don’t have the advocacy, they don’t have, you know, quite the, the safety ingredient selection process, the standards that we have, they’re doing better, but I will say as far as I know, and the last time I checked, we kind of set the gold standard. At the same time, like there’s a lot of safer options there. So, I always want people to know that I’m here to help. I realize that our price points sometimes aren’t affordable for a lot of people. And so, I want to be able to help people find safer options that are a little bit more reasonable at times.
I’ve been at home and then I kind of look around and I just look at her house and I’m like, wow. Like we’ve, we’ve done some big things.
That being said, like people sometimes don’t know where, don’t know where to start. And so when I’m doing kind of a talk for people, I usually start with, you know, I’m someone, again always coming from a simple, you know, lazy person that doesn’t want, you know, 5 million face creams and like thousands of, you know, products sitting in my cupboard. I want simplicity. So, I look at the person and say, “What do you want? Like, what are you using right now? Are you looking for something more or do you just want to replace what you have?” So that’s where I start because I don’t want to come in and someone’s like, “Well, I’m good with just the face wash, a lotion and eye cream.” And I come in and I’m like, “Well you need a toner and a serum and all these things”, and they don’t know what to do with it. And maybe they buy it and it sits in their cupboard and then they throw it away because it expires. So I try to meet the person. So that’s kind of one thing I find out: What are you trying to replace? Are you trying to add? Where are you at? Then I look at and ask them, you know, always think about the things that cover the biggest surface area. So, body lotions, things that sit on your skin all day long, or things that you use every day. So, if someone’s like, “Well, you know, I use this mascara that probably isn’t the safest. It doesn’t irritate my eyes, but it has carbon black in it. It has some other ingredients, but I use it like once every three months. Like I just don’t wear mascara. I only wear it if my husband and I go out, which is never.” So, I’m like, “Is that really where money’s best spent? Probably not.” Like one time of mascara that isn’t the safer option isn’t gonna be the biggest bang for your buck. Look at the face cream that you’re using every single day or you know, the lipstick or the chapstick that you use all the time that you’re probably consuming some of it because you lick your lips or drink or eat. So that’s how I think of it. And then I think of it as one product at a time. So, as people use things and you know, empty a bottle, they replace it with something safer so that, you know, they can make that switch and it just be more manageable because it is overwhelming for a lot of people. And I think that mindset of like, okay, it doesn’t have to be an overhaul, complete overhaul at once. Some people do, some people go home or you know, and they like take a garbage bag and like cupboard and that’s fine. For those that don’t want to do that, can’t afford it, don’t want to do it, it’s that one product at a time looking at, you know, kind of what they’re using and then making that swap as, as they run out of things or, you know, kind of the big offenders using the EWG that you’ve talked about before in some of your videos and whatnot to kind of help guide them a little bit. What are the big offenders, what are some of the nasty ones that we really need to get rid of right away because they could be affecting hormones and whatnot. So, so that’s kind of that strategy for me, for people.
Britt Reuter, MS: Yeah. I love that. It reminds me, so I wrote, just to like shamelessly plug a blog that I wrote here. It reminds me of a blog post that I wrote about impact versus effort and how if you like plot points on it, using those as the graph axis’s that you can help yourself to make decisions because you should be doing things that have the biggest impact with the lowest amount of effort, you know. So if there’s something that you’re not using all the time, like you’re saying like the, you know, a woman using mascara maybe once in a blue moon even though that’s a toxic product, the impact, you know, of making that swap isn’t going to be that great because you didn’t have that high of an exposure in the first place. And you know, maybe a mascara costs $30. So that’s a high amount of effort. So it’s like, well don’t do that cause it’s high effort and you know, low impact. But for someone who is using some sort of toxic body wash every day in the shower. You look at maybe like a Dr Bronner’s or you know, something like that where it’s relatively affordable, it lasts a long time, it’s like you’re having a high impact and a low effort and so it just makes sense to like do those kinds of things. I love the strategy that you baked into that because it’s like, it doesn’t have to be all at once. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s just, you know, getting a little bit better all the time and figuring out really where to focus your attention.
Tara Woodland: Yeah, I think it’s fun. I’ve sat like, I’ve done this a few times unintentionally, but like I’ve been at home and then I kind of look around and I just look at her house and I’m like, wow. Like we’ve, we’ve done some big things. Like we’ve overhauled some major things through the years. And it’s funny if we’ve like gone to an Airbnb and we go into their home, you know, into that home and it’s like you look under the cupboard and they still have some countertop cleaners that I pitched years ago. So, it kind of makes you go, wow, like this has been a long journey, but through time I’ve made some big impact and made some big changes, small changes that ultimately became a big change and a big impact. So yeah.
Britt Reuter, MS: I know that you for example, I’ve tried to reduce like the use of plastic in your home and I mean, plastic is so pervasive, so ubiquitous so it can be really challenging to try to get all of those sources like out. But it’s like, if you’re packing a lunch every day for you or your kids and you’re putting it in plastic containers, like that’s a huge level of impact. Versus like you’re saying maybe occasionally you’ll put some crafts into like a Ziploc. Okay, well, you’re not going to eat the crafts. I hope, you know, so maybe not as big of an impact of there.
Tara Woodland: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like yesterday was Earth Day and Stasher bag had some great sales and different, you know, greener, safer companies in general were having some great deals yesterday. So, I shared them in my group for people to kind of take advantage of that. Those things are expensive to replace, you know? But you’ve got to look long-term to where you’re not having, once you buy a Stasher bag, that same lasts for a long time. You’re not having to buy more boxes of Ziplocs and so there’s a little more effort. You have to clean it and wash it and take care of it instead of just throwing it away. But yeah, I think the biggest, I think the hardest change for me, the biggest one that I’m probably thinking this is, it might be silly, most proud of is paper towels. I was horrible. Like Lucas could tell you, my husband could tell you, like I would like grab the paper towel and wipe the counter and like leave it and I’d have like 10 paper towels sitting probably around the kitchen. I was like, this is horrible. Like it’s bad, you know, not necessarily for our health. I mean, of course people tell them we’re probably treated and bleach and whatever else. But you know, it was just bad for the environment. It wasn’t good for all of that. I bought in a couple of different ones. I was like, well I’m gonna, I’m gonna buy a couple of different brands. So, I bought some reusable paper towels and it, they’d been, I was like, if I can achieve this, it’s going to be amazing. And I did like we still have paper towels cause sometimes I don’t want to clean up chicken juice with that. It just grosses me out and I just, I like, I just can’t do it. So, we still have it, but I’ve cut down my use on those dramatically. I like to give myself a pat on the back quite often around the kitchen.
Britt Reuter, MS: Yeah, there’s always like that one strong hold, right? Where it’s like when you got through there it’s like you’re really feeling on top of the world. Well this has just been so much fun and I do really value the time that we get to spend together, Tara. Where can people who are watching this or listening to this learn more about you and maybe connect?
Where can people who are watching this or listening to this learn more about you and maybe connect?
Tara Woodland: Yeah, so I try to share things pretty openly. I have different platforms that I share things just because I’ve got people in different walks of life that are on certain things and others, but probably the best ways – I do have a blog, which I don’t, I haven’t written much on lately. It was kind of when I started it, it was one of my places to really just dump information because I was hearing a lot like in my Facebook group that I have, which is, I’ll kinda tell you the name there. My blog is really just a dump information. So, someone’s like, “Hey, what do you recommend for, you know, uh, whatever x, y, or z?” I can just send them the link so I don’t have to like retype it or go find it. Super easy. So that’s TK Wellness and Beauty is the name of my blog, so super simple. And then Instagram, I’m on there. The one that I use is Health, Wellness and Safer Beauty on Instagram. And that’s where I put a lot of posts, just informational posts. And then my other accounts, sorry I’m terrible – tara.woodland. And I use that primarily in my stories where I talk about things like, my posts are more of family, fitness kind of things. Cause like I said, we own a CrossFit gym. But my stories in that account is where I kind of share kind of the bulk of things which do transfer over to my Facebook private page or it’s my personal page. But then I also have a Facebook group. I’m very active on that. I’ve had a lot of people like just different areas. My Facebook group’s called Health Wellness and Safer Beauty as well. That’s probably the bulk of information comes into there for people. And I, like a lot of my customers are in there, but just anyone and I try, I mean I try, I try to share a lot of information not just Beautycounter, but that is where I share it, like the deals and kind of specials for customers. They get to see a lot of other stuff that I, that I get to talk about. And it’s a very safe and warm place.
Britt Reuter, MS: Yes, absolutely. So, I’ll make sure to link to all of those in the transcript. All of those are detailed out in the transcript that I’ll be posting to my blog. So, if anybody’s watching this and wants to make sure that they’re going to the right place, then just, you know, head to the blog and you’ll be able to access the link that way. This has been just wonderful. Tara, thank you so much again for being on here. Really appreciate it.
Tara Woodland: Wow, thanks for again, thanks for having me. It’s fun. I always love kind of sharing my journey. It’s always funny to kind of talk through it to where you’re just like, wow. Like that’s been quite a quite a process. I’ve come a long way. Pat on the back for that one.
Britt Reuter, MS: Yeah, exactly. I mean it really is like a growth process and you know. I think like what you and I like to do is just kind of mentor people who are walking a similar journey to us, but maybe a couple of steps behind. That way we can kind of reach back and be like, “Hey, I’ve been there, keep going, it’s going to be better.” I think that that’s really powerful.
Tara Woodland: Yeah. I think, I mean, so many times I’ve heard people ask, “How do you inspire people? Like, how do you motivate?” And I’m like, “Well, it’s really like, it’s not something that you can be like, ‘Okay, I’m going to motivate you’. It’s more of just living the life and being positive.” Like things are hard. It’s not all rainbows and Unicorns. Don’t get me wrong. But I see the bigger picture and I know, like I said, I think when it always comes down to things for us (us meaning my husband and I and my, our family), like we’re fighters. Like we aren’t going to go down without a fight. Meaning, you know, if you tell me something’s going on, I’m going to try to fix that because I’m not someone sit back and let it happen. Or you know, it comes back to like one of the old days of practicing medicine where I was like, I’m not just going to give you a pill to fix this problem when I know there’s things you can do and you’re able to do it and will do it to help your yourself. At the end of the day, if it fails miserably and it doesn’t work, then we can always go back to the beginning. I just, I want people to ultimately, no matter what it is, whether it be personal care products or, you know, just their lives in general, be their own advocates and speak up for themselves and question everything I think is my, don’t just take face value for what it is. So, yeah.
Britt Reuter, MS: Absolutely. No, that’s a, I mean, it’s a great way to lead, Tara, you know, leading by example. Like leading from behind in a way like supporting and encouraging people. So, you know, I just really appreciate all of the information and education and support really, that you, that you offer through those platforms.
Tara Woodland: Yeah. You’re welcome. And thanks for always, you know, you being such a great resource. Like I love that we’ve reconnected through the years and love having you as a resource because there’s so many times where I’m like, I’m just going to ask Brit, like, I can look this up. I can, I can do the research, but she might. Yeah. But it’s so nice to have people in your corner that know better than you and can just, you know, be that person. So, I appreciate we’re, we’re helping each other expand in that way.
Britt Reuter, MS: You Bet. All right. Thanks again, Tara.